Category: Death
View from my shRoom
Fear, freedom, friends, fortune, favor, force, front, f**k, face, faith, fame. Fierce is the name of the game. Time does not matter for it is forgotten. F**k time, it’s not mine, it’s for another person’s mind and rhyme. Wait for me mom, I love you but you are so fast. Forever I look for you,…
Celestial update
Dear Mom I thought that I should write to you to give you an update about myself. Ive grown, I feel the burden of life settling on me. I never knew how much worry and weight you held off my back until you left. You did all that with your wisdom and love. I still…
Dear MOM, If ink was the blood you needed to live, i would have written the poem of infinity. If thoughts would bring back the smell f your cheeks, i would have rethought this entire existence a million times over. If prayers would bring back a sight of your glossy smooth skin, i would have…
Anatomy of Death
Sunday – may – 21 – 11:39am Where does one’s spirit go? There you are, the person I love the most, I’ve idealized the most, I’ve crystallized into a goddess, I’ve engraved in my heart, soul, thoughts, deeds and every waking moment of my life. Lying there, breathless, soulless, smiling, sad, as if you’ve mourned…
I waited for you
May-18-2017 – 6:05am In bed, head deep into a dream of inverse reality. I waited for your smooth sway in the house makes up my oxygen to stay alive. I waited for your soft voice that song the eternal remedy for my life despair. I waited for your soft touch to tap my shoulder and…
Trickle down the boredom stream
Plotted against myself i find it difficult to gather the inner crush i had of the person who touched and changed my nucleus. The despair of a fear, and the dread of a bloody tear, the yearn of a smile and of attention i have had for a while, are caging me behind invisible bars.…
When death pulls you down!
At an unusual instance, my eyes shut, my body drifted, and my mind lost itself into a 15 seconds of a state of semi death! As i laid on my bed, breathless, eyes open, unconscious, my soul felt an unusual pull towards another state of existence, or a state of non-existence. Memories did not seem to…